I woke at 7.30am Sunday morning and shot out of bed like a big kid ready for today's group cycle. I knew that at least 10 of us were out for a spin and was expecting a fun outing. I head straight to the bathroom to go about the normal morning routine. Spotting the fact that through the patterned glass it was bright outside. "yes!! at last the sun is shining for our session". I finish up and go into the front room to locate my cycling Lycra. With one twist of the window blinds my mood changes. i look out of the window to see this:-
I couldn't believe it!!! what is going on with this weather. I have a quick look on twitter to find @Simonbanner72 tweeting "WTF why have we got snow again? Are you sure you are going training @cyclingforharry".
and then to see that he kicked his wife out of bed at 4.23am to make him a cup of tea! haha - he is a strange villa fan (love ya Si)
The messages started to come in from all angles. Twitter, facebook and text. What are we doing Bri?? Are we still going out??
I put my weather head on and could see that the sun was trying to make an appearance, so I gave the nod to carry on with the days outing. Even if we had to really take it slow.
9.30am @benno112 & @g1bbo85 turn up full of beans and ready to go. Soon after @bblackwell77 turns up in what i can only describe as the most creased pair of tracksuit bottoms I have ever seen!!!!
I think he slept in them. lol.
Whilst we are all mocking @bblackwell about his lack of iron ownage @heathy79 turns up. Not in his jeans for a change. lol. But at least his tracksuit bottoms had been ironed!!!
Then arrives @brunone1 quickly followed by @l4rk1n, @larks99 & THE KID @will_coyne.
@l4rk1n starts raving on about his gears not working. So after 5 minutes, a pair of long nose pliers and a phillips screw driver that problem was fixed.
previous to that @l4rk1n and @larks99 had been having a fight with one of there back tyres before leaving the house. Managing to burst two inner tubes before getting on there bikes. I was going to ask how? but i don't think they even knew, so i left it. haha.
We have not even started yet!!!!!!!!
Even still, we manage to set off on time at 10am. We head to the Wheatsheaf to pick up @heels4089. We get across the traffic lights and there he is waiting. A quick hello and off we go to meet our keen twitter followers @allenjamesuk & @primal2001
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@allenjamesuk & @Primal2001 |
I decided to do the same route we have done for the last couple of weeks knowing that its 34ish mile. Plus the fact we are close to soilhul hospital if @l4rk1n has a heart attack.
We get roughly 4 miles in and we are at the end of Lugtrout Lane where we hang a left towards the start of the country roads. Myself and @heels4089 are deep in conversation. (daddy talk) Then look back to see we've lost half of the riders already.
G1bbo85's chain had came off but they soon rectified that issue and caught up.
The miles start ticking over nicely. Even @L4rk1n was keeping a steady pace due to Mars Bar intake already.
We hit 12 mile and a couple are starting to slow a little. But this is also due to the road we are on having a long steady incline that seems to hurt more than a hill. (if that makes sense). We stop and take a quick 2 minute breather and take some fluids on board, and I release some into a hedge. haha (too much info).
We set off again and I look down the line and think to myself - We would look awesome in HHHO T-shirts. That way people will not just see us as a bunch of nutters on bikes. But more of 'A bunch of nutters fund raising for Harry on bikes'
This is something i need to sort ASAP!!!
We hit 16 mile and @heels4089 has to shoot off. Something to do with nappy changing and him doing the ironing. So he says his farewells and off we go. We travel a further mile and decide its time to stop.
The chocolate bars and Skittles were popped open and the drinks got sunk.
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@will_coyne (kid) & @larks99 |
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@l4rk1n, @bblackwell77 & @g1bbo85 |
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Camp @g1bbo85 & @brunone1(moaner) |
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@bcfcboz (me) fag ash Lil (Heathy79) and dancing @larks99 |
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Always on his phone @bblackwell77 |
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there's only one @heathy79 |
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Back: @heathy79, @will_coyne, @larks99,@l4rk1n,@bblackwell Front: @benno112, @g1bbo85, @bcfcboz, @brunone1 |
We had the usual banter and chat about the previous 17 mile and had a silly suggestion about how to break up the second 17 mile. But all will be revealed. lol
We start off again. Bearing in mind last week we stopped off at the same point and said to each other that this was not the best place to stop. This is because as soon as we head off from here we hit two silly hills. This is not good after having a rest. In fact its absolutely STUPID!!! But hay ho! we are by no means professional cyclists as you will see later.
We battle up those hills and get to the top to hear that @l4rk1n (The ravin gezza) had got off his bike and ran up the last hill. lol.
We wait for him. But as soon as he gets to us we head off again. haha giving him no chance to catch his breathe.
the miles start ticking over again at a steady pace when we hit another horrible incline. These are pants #fact.
I cycle alongside my brother @benno112 and come up with a plan. A few more miles tick over and we hit Chadwick End. We come to a T junction and we find ourselves adjacent to The Reservoir Pub. Now who'd have guessed that. haha. At that point I turn to the rest of the group and shout "Anyone got any money on them?"
Good old @l4rk1n shouts out "I've got a score on me" then @brunone says "iv'e got a fiver on me, why?"
At that point I directed the team straight into the pub car park. lol.
After a quick whip round It was obvious is was pints all round.
A few of us walk into the bar. All in full Lycra with helmets to boot. The barmaid whilst laughing asks the standard question. "yes gents, what can i get you?" So @g1bbo85 comes out with "a 12 seater taxi please" lol
You should have seen the look on her face.
7 Carling, 2 Stella, 1 strongbow & a Monster energy drink and a 10 Penny mix up for the Kid (@will_coyne) outside please.
We pay the lady and head to the beer garden

Is it possible to be drunk off a pint? That next mile or so was a killer. lol.
We're approaching the main road in Shirley, not too far now until we get home. Well at least I thought. Thinking everyone was behind me again, I get to an island and turn left.
I know where I'm going. lol. I look back and half the group are with me. Where are the two Larkins and @Heathy79?????
We wait for 5 minutes and then phone them. @larks99 answers the phone and tells us they did a right at the island towards Solihull. We told them that we would meet them at the wheatsheaf.
@bblackwell heads off because he's already late getting back. So we head to the Wheatsheaf talking about the extra 5 mile those #numpties have put on there journey by doing a right at the island. lol.
15 minutes we wait and then they turn up. Not giving them time to stop, we dust off the next 2 mile together parting ways when close to our houses.
Top draw and a great effort by all involved.
Unfortunately due to work and illness a few of the riders could not get out on their bikes, as usual @icemanblueboy has been rowing, swimming, running, hedgehopping, knock door running and cylcing in the gym. Neil AKA the man with no Twitter has done over 30 miles in 2 outings on his bike, and @melcastle69 churned out over 12 miles after a bout of Bronchitis.
Bring on next week!!!!
You can't beat this cycling game, it's even better when you are laughing all the way round and the sun is out.
ReplyDeleteLove it !
Ive got 1 word to say about that ride it was well Raving !
ReplyDeleteHad a good laugh just hope the weather holds for next Sunday as i need to up my training peace and cyclers .
Looks like you had fun! :)
ReplyDeleteWe always have fun. We know it's going to be a hard event to complete. But we are going to have a ball whilst doing it. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI dunno which photo is worse , Mine with the sun in my eyes and a goofy smile , or Gibbo and his leg cocked out and arms folded.
ReplyDeleteLaughing so hard and its 2 days later :-)