Tom (@T_bone86) planned to arrive at mine early to sort out my gears and mud guards. Tom was knocking at my door at 12:30 sharp, and he set to work on my bike. Soon after Kevin (@benno112) and Brownie (@brunone1) turned up on their new bikes. Much to the amusement to Tom and myself, you could tell by their faces that they were nervous when it came to stopping. We then noticed that Brownie was wearing shorts (nutter). It was freezing!!!

Whilst Tom was carrying out the finishing touches on my bike, my daughter Laila came out to see what was going on. Chatting to the lads she presents them with a drawing each. Everyone knows that when they come to my house, they will leave with one of Laila's drawings. "Trust me on this, she will make sure you leave with it as well, bless her".
Just about to set off, Kevin tells us that he had already been the gym this morning, so he wanted a nice easy 30 miler with no hills. Me being the caring brother agreed. I suggested one of our previous routes we used to train for the Wembley ride.
we set off and stopped off at the Olton Tavern to pick up Andy (@primal2001).
Kevin and Brownie are still upright on there new bikes after the first few miles, so we are all good. The wind was giving us a bit of a pounding and some parts of the road are still wet so we kept at an easy pace. The miles started ticking over nicely and we started to warming up nicely.

Where is Sat Nav Allen when you need him?
He was sat at home, full of cold medicating himself with as much Stella as he could get down his gullet. (Get well soon big man)
My wrong directions led us straight towards all the hills I was hoping to avoid. The look on Kevin's and Brownies face told a story instantly. I don't think they are my friend anymore.
We managed to get up that hill only to find another soon after.
The thing is with clip in shoes, you can't just take your foot off the pedal when you start to wobble. This proved very difficult for the lads as they had to drop into there lowest gear, and have no choice but to push on up the hill.
We had a rest at the top. Kevin & Brownie had a few choice words about my route which I best not repeat. Haha
We got to Chadwick end (about 15 miles in) and decided to take a break. The conversation quickly turned to the two events we are already booked on. The Mad march Hare (73miles) and Cyclist V Cancer (100 miles). Reflecting back on how we were getting on today these sort of distances are going to be hard for us to reach. Reality hits that we are going to have to put some serious miles in for us to even attempt this.
As we do in these situations, we joke about how unfit we are, but in the front of our minds we know we HAVE to put the effort in. I decided to do a quick interview with the lads to see how they was feeling.
Drinks have been taken and we head off again. I still don't have a clue which is the best route to take. A few more country roads pass by and we arrive at familiar territory. We are about to cross over the M42. Kevin & Brownie start shouting at me. Words I still can't repeat. They know what is around the next corner. Yep, three steep hills on the bounce. I pretend I can't hear them and pedal on. All these hills are a killer. I'm struggling "big time" as well. Through gritted teeth I deal with the hills and wait at the top. Soon joined by Andy and Tom. A minute or so later pops up Brownie. All read faced and about to collapse. Another minute or so passes and still no sign of Kevin.
He eventually joins us, and he is in a world of pain. Then he starts going in about he needs a chocolate boost or something. No body has any munchies on them which adds to Kevin's despair. I tell him that we will stop off at the next shop so he can refuel. He seemed happy with that so we set off again. Thing is, the nearest shop I know is about six miles away. Those miles ticked over nicely and was fairly flat. We are coming up to the shop. Kevin's face is lit up like a light bulb. Bikes ditched we hit the shop. We all grab a sausage roll, chocky bar and an energy drink and stand outside munching on our well earned snacks. Kevin is STILL in the shop. He finally appears with a jumbo sausage roll, two Snickers bars, a packet of crisps and a four pack of Twirl chocolate bars. I KID YOU NOT. Not to mention his can of Red bull.
He ate the lot. It reminded me of that scene in Matilda when Mrs Trunchbowl makes that chubby kid eat all the cake in front of all the other students. Lol, Chocolate everywhere!!
The shop was over the road from the Reservoir Pub. I suggested nipping in for a swift half but I had no takers.
As soon as Kevin had his fix, we hit the road yet again. We got two miles down the road and Kevin was no where to be seen again, with Brownie back in the distance. So Tom, Andy and myself pulled over yet again. We start discussing that we only have around 5 miles left. Also that Kevin & Brownie have done well with the distance, and the fact they are on new bikes with clip ins.
Then all of a sudden.. CRASH!!
We look around to see that Brownie has just joined us. But he was on the floor with his bike between his legs. Still clipped in to the pedals. Hahaha. #clipoutfail
I was gutted I couldn't get my phone out in time to take a picture.
Kevin catches up again and he is "man down!"
I tell him to "man up" for the last five mile as I don't carry any Calpol with me. (Loving brother chat)
Off we go again and we arrive at Shirley Retail park. I look around and, yes you've guessed it. No Kevin.
I got my phone out and rang him.
Kevin answered saying he cant cycle anymore. His excuse was, and I quote - "my legs are shaking like a sh@tting dog" hahahah. Then he told me he's going to his Nan-in-Law's as she lived around the corner. With his fiancee picking him and his bike up.
The lads and I headed home with the last few miles not being anywhere as near eventful as the last 30.
Home and showered I checked out my Endomondo. Even with all the stops and hills it was still a good run out.

Also seen that a few of the other lads had been out on there own as they couldn't make it out with us. I love that effort chaps.
Marc Hobbins went mad and churned out a 50 miler to Stratford and back.
I asked him on Facebook how he got on. His reply was " Cold I couldn't feel my toes and I think I had the crack of my ass showing for most of it...I was in a bad place when I got home my legs were killing me but ok now."
Well done Hobbs

Also early bird Dave Brady (@davejbrady) got out to smash a speedy 25 miler out as well. Love it Dave. I love you more than Desperados. :-)

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100 miles in one day
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Love the blog. Always great to hear about your training. Good luck for all your events this year guys xxx @sues2009
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