Martineau Place

Martineau Place
Main Sponsor

Sunday 27 November 2011

The Magnificent Seven & Early Bird Dave

@bcfcboz @benno112 @bblackwell77 @larks99 @l4rk1n @will_coyne @brunone1 @davejbrady
I was woken this morning at 4am to the sound of the howling wind and rain. The first thing I thought was 'we are never getting out today in those conditions'. I managed to get back off to kip.
Woke again at 7am and the first thing I done was to look out the window. The second was to put some clothes on and ask myself if I got those two stages the wrong way around?
It was still windy but the roads looked ok. So it was GAME ON.
I went downstairs done a brew and some toast and logged onto Endomondo to find Early Bird @davejbrady is already out.
Having work at 11 this is the only time he can get out. (FairPlay). But as you can see from the photo below the early bird caught his worm and had a kip at graft whilst at his desk. Haha

The plan was to meet at my house at 9am.
At 8.15am there's a tap on my window. I look up to find @benno112 (kev my brother) with his face press against the window.
I let him in and asked why he was so early. His response was "I got up this morning like a kid at Xmas". Haha.
He don't get out much.
9am arrives and @bblackwell77 turns up. Still trying to sort out his tunes on his playlist.
Then followed by one of the funniest sights I've seen for a long time. The larks & larks crew speeding down the road towards my house.
First comes @will_coyne. He has now changed his ROCKY BALBOA outfit for some tight Lycra tights and a sporting black cycle top complete with helmet. He could have been mistaken for a ballet dancer from the waste down. (without the bulge)
Then comes what only can be described as a pair of GLOW WORMS. @larks99 (Steve) @l4rk1n (Mick).

@l4rk1n Couldn't wait to show me the infamous 'ravin tigger bell' haha bless his cottons.
Then last of all @brunone1finally turns up after getting out of bed at 8.30

We set of for a planned 20 mile stint. We get as far as the Cov road (1.5mile in) and @bblackwell77 & @l4rk1n decide to go on the path at the crossing and turn left where we all are going straight on. Haha.
Why? They only know. Lol
We get to Elmdon park an we hit the hill. We all get up slowly apart from @l4rk1n who gets off and walks up. Haha.
The first few miles was straight forward. All of us using our bells to alert everyone we pass that we are wearing Lycra and love it.
A few of the newbies had issues with there bottoms but battled through the saddle saw.
@brunone1 pops up and asks if we can stop for a breather at 10 mile. But no moans like the last outing so I was thinking he's actually enjoying this one. So I purposely didn't answer him to try and wind him up and ride on. Haha
We stopped at 11 miles.
The newbies reflected on the last 11 mile and all was good. @larks99 stopped to make a few adjustments to his Lycra covered tackle and was caught on camera. Haha
Whilst @l4rk1n poses for a photo but before @brunone1 could take it he takes his gloves of and stuffs them down the front of his pants.
Oh and true to form the whipper snapper @will_coyne & @bblackwell77 see the stop off as an opportunity to check there phones.
We set off again with everyone complaining of how cold we are because we stopped. Lol. CAN'T WIN

A bit of a steady incline until we hit the Warwick Road. Complete with cycle lane that was a pleasant suprise.
We turn off down some road to be faced with a FORD. I seen it from the distance thinking how the bloody hell are we going to get trough this. As we got closer it was obvious that going over the bridge to the right was the option. DURRRR
we get over the bridge to find a steep hill. We all get up slowly apart from @l4rk1n who gets off and walks up AGAIN!!
Then before you know it we are heading back towards a road we recognised. Lugtrout Lane. We turned off to head back to Elmdon park to find another steady incline. We all get up slowly EVEN @L4RK1N. haha. He's getting good at this hill business now.
Hitting the 18 mile mark we are heading back to the Cov road. Knowing we are all going to hit the 20 mile mark we are all in happy mood. @brunone1 splits off and heads home all chuffed with himself (I was just chuffed he didn't moan my ears off like last week) lol
We get to the Radleys island and myself and my brother find it funny to go around it twice to the despair of watching motorist (don't try this at home children)
The lark & larks crew head off home as myself (@bcfcboz) @benno112 and @bblackwell77 head up my road inches from home.

I must admit. I was tired not only from the ride but getting up in the night due to the weather. Even my daughter was shattered. (see photo below. Haha)

A great ride out team.

A big Thankyou to @bblackwell77 for bringing up the rear and mostly staring at @l4rk1n's ass for 20 mile.
First time outers @larks99, @l4rk1n, @bblackwell77
I tip my cap. A sterling effort.
Proud to have these guys along side me.


  1. Cracking blog Bri, I'm gonna look forward to reading this on a regular basis. Well done guys, all for a good cause, keep up the great work ur all doing and Mr Larks Snr get ur arse up that hill!!! X x

  2. Great blog Bri and well done lads..... Many more to come.... Making it happen.... Emma. Xx

  3. Doktor Paulie11/28/2011 10:28 pm

    Properly inspired by you lads, I got on my ProForm1350 stationary bike at oh-dark-thirty this morning. It let's me simulate anywhere that Ggogle has maps for. I'm riding Ian Meek's Land's End to John O'Groats route which he and his team are going to do in 10 days come summer. It'll take ME at least 100 days. I'm in Devon about 30 miles E of Exeter. They have some reeely steep hills there, and I CAN'T get off and walk. If I'm using correct English I believe it's right to say I was proper chuffed when I made it over the top of the last one and shifted into 24th gear for the descent. WHOOP!

    If I get crazy enough, I'll simulate the Ride For Harry and bring up the rear, if only virtually. I haven't ridden 100 miles in over 30 years. Could hurt myslef. =D

    Go! Go! Go!

  4. I think Dok needs to see a doctor. He's as mental as us lot.
    That machine sounds awesome.

  5. Doktor Paulie11/29/2011 12:22 am

    Why, thank you! That's the nicest thing anyone's said about me all month. And I DO mean it

    The ProForm is wonderful, when it works. Had to replace two computers on it in four months. Now on the third and the third time's the charm. But when it works, it's wonderful. I sign-in to the iFit site and dowload the map and then sign-in on my Droid and click the "Follow" button and it shows me the Google Earth view (although sometimes from the wrong side of the road). To some extent, I am THERE.

    Really beautiful countryside. No Comanche encountered yet, but I don't intend to drop my guard. Those guys are very stealthy.
