Martineau Place

Martineau Place
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Friday 18 November 2011

My First Outing

Well! What an experience that was. Yesterday I purchased Faith, the machine that was going to spend many a mile with me through hard, cold times over the next 6 months so I had to make sure it was perfect for me and not tempremental like me.

The naming was difficult at first as I didn't want a girlie name but then it hit me 'Faith' because I am going to need Faith to complete this challenge.

My first outing today was in perfect weather conditions for this time of year although my chest is still wheezing so the cold and the exercise made the breathing a bit difficult. I chose a route that I knew were country roads so minimal traffic until I build up my confidence. I was impressed that I only made one quick 20seconds stop to get some water on board!

So what did I learn from today:

Cycling is completely different to running

I don't like cycling up a hill

I need to push with my feet not from my knees (old running injury)

Contrary to belief my bum is not as cushioned as everyone thinks! Padding will be needed.

Audi drivers think they can drive past you as if you weren't there.

You need to change gears to feel the bite well before you get to the bottom of a hill else its a manic gear change and your legs are pedalling nothing.

I don't like cycling up a hill.

When you feel like your slowing down push hard for 20seconds because after that the momentum will take you and it'll be easier.

I need a band over my ears

I don't like cycling up hills

I need some footwear with grips as my trainers slip a little bit.

It is easier to run up a hill than it is to cycle

I need to stretch my calves more before cycling as cramp set in when I put my foot down at a crossroad.

I don't like cycling up hills

So there we have it my first bike ride which you can see my stats on the link below


  1. Good for you Mel, I'll be following this blog to keep track of your progress.

    RIP Harry


  2. Well done mel, fair play to you.
    I'll be following your progress.
    Let's hope there's not too many hills xx

  3. You are an inspiration! keep up the great work!
