Martineau Place

Martineau Place
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Monday 21 November 2011

Yesterdays Outings

Well yesterday morning started off with me getting up nice and early to squeeze in a bite of breakfast and a quick brew before heading out on a cycle, with two of the team that have only just purchased there bikes (Brownie & Will)
I decided to have a little squint at twitter to see if anyone is up. Only to find Dave Brady is already out and is Upto 14 miles already. Haha
9am came and I looked outside to see both Will and brownie sporting a new Hybrid bike each.
Then I looked at what they was wearing. There's brownie dress up as if he was going cycling in the Antarctic and Will sporting a full grey fleece track suit which he stole off rocky Balboa. ADRIAN!!!!!!!!
Then out of the blue turns up Brady. Sweeting like a fat man at a disco after doing a 20 stint. After having a quick chat about possible routes we was off.
Brownie was moaning about his wheels before we turned the first corner. "these don't feel right" and then " my Harris is hurting already by the first mile.
I'm not going to tell you what came out of his mouth when he saw the first hill. Haha
Will has not even broke a sweat!!!
After 7 miles Brownie again pipes up with "are we going to head back now?"
He wasn't very happy when I told him that we wasn't even half way yet.
We turned down a few country lanes and started to take it easy to the pleasure of brownie.
We stopped for 5 minutes. At 10 mile.
Myself and Brownie are feeling the burn.
Will still hasn't broke a sweat.
We set off again. Hills galore. Brownie and myself struggle. Will just cycles up past us.
We get to the Coventry Road. Brownies eyes light up knowing where he is. He's thinking. I'm nearly home.
That Cov road is longer on a bike than in a car. Hahaha.
We get to B'ham airport island and I realise if we went straight home we will NOT hit the 20 mile mark.
We stop and have a quick discussion.
Funnily enough. Brownie decides to head of home (a great effort for his first ride out. But he was always going to get some stick)
Will and myself head back through Marston Green. We are getting closer to home and realise we have to ride past it and round a small block to hit the 20.
We ended up doing just under 21 miles. YEAHHHHH
My legs are like jelly. I turn to Will and I could swear I seen a drop of sweat on his 19 year old forehead.
Will actually done mile number 19 whilst in the phone!!! Haha

A great effort by all.

I haven't finished yet. (breath in)

Kevin decides he wants to have a ride out at 9pm at night. (nutter) he phones me to ask how to use the tracking app on his phone before he sets off.
50 or so minutes later he turns up at my door to pick up some ear phones to use with his phone. This will help him hear his progress throughout his ride.
I invites him in and ask to look at his route he has tracked.
We looked at his phone to find he has not tracked ANY MILES at all.
Kevin in his disbelief and angry tone starts to spout out where he had been . WHY HASNT THIS STUPID APP TRACKED MY RIDE????? I recon I've done at least 10 mile.
I'm struggling to hold in my laughter as I look at his phone to tell the Numpty he hasn't turned his GPS on. Hahaha

We tracked his ride manually on the computer to calm him down. He had done 12 mile. Then to follow a 3 mile ride home.

A GREAT effort by all and always eventful. Here's a few pics.


1 comment:

  1. Doktor Paulie11/22/2011 10:43 pm

    Reading this & looking at the photos really makes me grumpy that I couldn't ride today. Heart rate was 66 beats per minute BEFORE I got out of bed. It's now, 12 hours later, fallen to a more-usual 55 BPM as I'm sitting @ my desk @ The Job. Evidently there have been no frustrating meetings today. Anyway, an elevated resting HR, best taken right before you get up in the morning, is the first good clue you've over-trained. =( Resting is the only cure.

    Ah, but tomorrow, I shall continue my simulated ride from Land's End to John O' Groats on my ProForm 1350 stationary bike. (That, by the way, is the most ridiculously expensive purchase I have EVER made, that I can remember) As the Lord wills and the Comanche don't rise. I'm about 15 miles NE of Exeter on the A330. I'm simulating @meeksfeats ride of next summer. Scouting the route for hostile natives, moose, etc.
