Martineau Place

Martineau Place
Main Sponsor

Sunday 18 December 2011

.....and what a week it has been 12-18 December

@melcastle69, @bcfcboz, @benno112, @heathy79, @g1bbo85, @brunone1, @bblackwell77

Cycling For Harry has had a really exciting week, the wheels are now well and truly in motion to make this an event that we could have only dreamed of when the idea was born.

Firstly on Monday we met up with StadiaSAL - Stadia Sports and Lifestyle. The meeting was set up after an initial conversation with Michael about his involvement with the cycle ride, not only as a rider but with the support and backing of his company. StadiaSAL is made up of 2 ex-premiership footballers Michael Johnson and Ian Taylor and business professionals Steve Jacques and Hazel Starmer.

Brian and I went along to The Hyatt in Birmingham to discuss with StadiaSAL the event and where we saw it going and the involvement they will have to promote Cycling For Harry. With their knowledge, experience and contacts I can tell you that we left The Hyatt feeling more excited than a kid at Christmas. As and when the things that were discussed are put in place and arranged we will let you know but in the meantime moms the word!

Next big thing that happened for Cycling For Harry was hearing that Georgie Moseley and her family and close friends were to hold a bracelet event at The Bullring all over this weekend. They had the support of Ed James from Heart FM and Tom Ross from BRMB, both had become friends of Harry's and firm supporters of his quest.
We just had to go along to this and meet with Georgie, it also gave us the opportunity to purchase bracelets in our football colours whilst we wait for the website orders to be delivered. Ed James was also excited about our event and asked to have his photo taken with us and advised that he would support us in anyway he can :-)Harry even popped up on the screen in the background to join us! On the Saturday alone they raised £2500 from selling the bracelets -I'm sure Harry was up there smiling down on his family - proud that they were carrying his dream on.

And then we come to today- the first BIG day on our route to getting media coverage of our event. During the week we were contacted via Twitter by Central News who were doing a follow up on Help Harry Help Others and what has happened since his passing. They were extremely excited about our event and arranged to meet with us on the Sunday (today). First of all we had to make sure we could get some of our cyclists involved and given that it was the last Sunday before Christmas we thought we would struggle. However for a few the thought of being on TV and getting their few minutes of fame meant that plans were put on hold.

So the few available ones met at Brian's house - even though it was just 1degree and threatening to rain/snow and also a couple sporting hangovers after getting in at stupid o'clock this morning. As you can see some had all the gear but obviously no idea that it was December and freezing cold - I can tell you that after an hour outside they soon wished they had bought cycling pants instead of cycling shorts!
The weather at this point was cold but dry - perfect for a bit of filmed outdoor training. Charlotte from ITV arrived and we arranged to go down to the local park as it was easier for filming with less distractions and noise.

My daughter Chelsea was on hand to film/photograph us being filmed - well it's not everyday this happens is it!

Little did we know just exactly how time consuming it is to capture most probably a minutes worth of filming. Upon Charlotte's instructions we cycled to and from one point several times, then did some standing around shots and then some speed shots. Then just as we got ready for another shoot the heavens opened which not only made it impossible to film but uncomfortable and difficult to cycle in, especially if you were wearing summer gear like some of our guys!

So back to the house we went -and wouldn't you know it the moment we got back - literally a 1 minute cycle - the rain had stopped- with not enough filmed Charlotte said she would like to get some more action shots, now this was fine for the prepared ones in the group but was answered with a few grunts from those sporting legs that looked like they were sunburnt - hee hee.

Once at the park with camera and tripod ready the black clouds descended again - this time we had hailstones chucked at us, one look at each other in amused bewilderment meant that back to Brian's we went. This time we didn't even make it as far back as Brian's and the sun was out shining, so after a quick sprint back to the park to make the most of the sunlight the camera was rolling. A few more takes of us going slowly and quickly past the camera and a couple of group shots of us talking amongst ourselves and we were done - I have never seen this group of cyclists move so quick in their lives, they didn't even hang around to try and make Brian and I laugh whilst we were being interviewed.

And to the interview, as it was Brian's idea for this event I told him to take the lead so he can talk about where it all came from etc etc. So he started and quickly stopped 'I don't know what to say!' Brian lost for words is not a regular occurrence - just ask his wife Emma. It also felt weird because the camera was set up only a few inches from our faces along with the furry thing (the boom?) Charlotte asked the questions and between us we answered with lots of pauses, and the words 'so' you know' and 'erm', and making sure there was no snot showing from the cold. The odd break was forced upon us because of the aeroplanes taking off nearby but we got through it with enough material for Charlotte to work her editing wonders. With thank yous and goodbyes we headed back to Brian's where Emma welcomed us with a more than needed cup of tea - its amazing what a cup of tea can rectify.

I didn't even need to ask if we were still going out on the planned 10mile bike ride - half the group had scarpered and the other half had got changed - so at least it didn't fall down on me to say that I didn't feel like going out on a bike ride!
Charlotte was hopeful that our interview would be going out on Central News tomorrow (Monday 19th December) however she did say it could end up being any day this week so as soon as we know anything you will be the first to know!


  1. Steve Larkin12/18/2011 8:20 pm

    Starting to make some noises now.. Well done all..keep up the hard work.

    Peace and love


  2. Quality Pictures by Chelsea and a cracking brew served up by Emma. Ive never been that cold in a lond time. lol.

  3. Doktor Paulie12/18/2011 11:21 pm

    This post & Iceman's from Saturday are wonderfully inspiring. Good people making good things happen. I believe I am using correct King's English when I say it all leaves me feeling proper chuffed.

    Note: a little brandy, about 75ml, in the cuppa after a chilly ride or a cold TV shoot, will prove efficacious. Doktor's orders.

  4. Thems the kind of orders I follow Dok. Yet again a superb comment. #hhho

  5. Editing wonders were certainly worked - you'd never believe it had been this "difficult" when it went out. It was great. Hope you followed Doktor's orders :-)
