Martineau Place

Martineau Place
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Saturday 17 December 2011

Frost Doesn't Stop Iceman

Saturday 17th December

During the week I had been out with my mate Neil in his car to suss out some training routes, the first route was 16 miles but could also incorporate an extra 4 miles if I felt up to it. The important thing was not to be too far from home in case of emergencies.

Due to commitments on Sunday I had always planned to go out for a ride on Saturday. My training partners Mel and Ian were unavailable to join me so it was me and my trusty steed.

I woke up early and looked out of the window, a heavy frost had landed overnight and I am not talking about the wife falling out of bed!! But the roads were very icy so I thought I would give it an hour or so to see if it would thaw out a little.

Around 10:30 it was time to get ready, the tights were on and the vaseline was applied. Now before you get the wrong idea the tights are running tights to combat the cold and the vaseline is to stop the nipples rubbing with the sweat....also two pairs of socks were on pair was not enough last week.

I went to the stables to get my noble steed, well walked to the shed and got the bike!!

It was certainly cold and the side roads were a little icy. I had downloaded the cycling tracking app to the wife's phone so that was set up ready to go, the earphones were in and I was off....very slowly until I had managed to reach the main roads.

The ride started well but had to be very careful going round corners...although it was very cold the sun was out but very low in the sky and although it was very scenic it was a bit of a problem trying to see when riding in the sun.

After 1 mile I heard a voice in my headset, not sure at that point what it was so I had to pull over in case it was someone calling the wife's phone...little did I know that it was the cycling app giving me an update on how far i had travelled.

So I was back on track...the miles were clocking up and so were the hills, it's amazing how a seemingly flat road in the car is so uphill on a bike...after about 10 miles I encountered my first problem...a transit van nearly knocked me off my was quite scary! I hit the kerb and came to a grinding halt...the van drove off probably unaware of what had happened but I managed to note the number plate...

The second problem occurred at around 11 miles.....the chain came off my I watch the Tour de France every year so as the pro cyclists do I put my hand up and waited for my support car to come and swap bikes....Nothing!! except for a woman walking her dog who asked if I needed a hand...fair play to her...anyway the chain was back on and off I went...The route was now getting pretty tough, the hills were getting longer and steeper - well that's how it felt. The woman kept speaking in my ear updating my progress and I found this quite good as it challenged me to go faster.

After 16miles I decided I may as well carry on and do the 20mile route...more hills and mud.... a bit of abuse off a couple of mates who somehow recognised me.... I was nearly home... I had travelled 21miles in 1 hour and 23 minutes which was okay. It's much harder cycling on your own but the miles were done and in the bank...

Things to remember;

Keep an eye out for the van that nearly killed me!!!!

Buy some cycling glasses...yes Mel I did tell the wife to get me some...perhaps father christmas will get me some..I have dropped enough hints.

I am not in the Tour de France and do not have a back up vehicle or a domestique to bring me food and drink...

Anyway keep those wheels turning.

Ben (Iceman) Frost


  1. Great blog Iceman - watch out for them white van men! and fingers crossed Father Christmas answers your wish

  2. Quality buddy. Not nice conditions to be out in. Did that women put the chain back on for you? Lol. Great blog pal. Keep up the great work.

  3. good blog mate - very entertaining and informative - I take my cycling helmet off to you all (but only where it is safe to do so) looking forward to more of the same

  4. Steven Larkin12/18/2011 8:18 pm

    Well done Iceman by name iceman by nature on those frosty mornings :)

